Flavoblitz Innovation Centre (FIC) is the key strategic partnership element in delivering innovative solutions to our customers. We believe that the strength and expertise within the FIC Team will complement our Customers’ knowledge in maximizing the product development process and bringing incremental and radical innovative products rapidly to the market.
FIC is set up with experts and equipment that support a wide range of products manufactured by our Customers. The span of support FIC covers includes industries that belong to the beverages, dairy, sweets and confectionery industries. We walk hand in hand with our Customers in finding the right sensory product attributes from inception to market, capitalizing on human capital assets and technology-base – after all we are in the business of delivering solutions that smells a lot nicer and simply tastes a lot better of our customers' products.
FIC holds very dearly Customers confidentiality, thus any collaboration between customers and FIC will be kept confidential.